Get a side-by-side comparison of real people, before and after their treatments,and learn how GoodSkin has helped them find a renewed sense of hope andconfidence.


    A trans woman who’d undergone 11 years of hormone therapy and numerous facial feminization surgeries, Angelita came to GoodSkin for post-surgery corrections that helped treat some lingering male-signifying areas. The results gave her a fullness and femininity that restored her confidence and sense of identity.

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    After a couple rough years throughout the pandemic, Barbara visited GoodSkin. It was her first time receiving aesthetic face treatments. She credits the team with making her feel welcome, safe and heard, and delivering results that have essentially given her a new lease on life.

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    Melanie GoodSkin treatments not only renewed the vibrancy throughout her mouth and lower face, it transformed her attitude and rekindled a joyous new spirit. She went from looking in the mirror and thinking “wait, what happened” to “Yes. That’s me.”

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    Entering her 40’s Elaine had been struggling with hormonal changes that were taking a toll on how she felt about herself. After treatment that resulted in a natural, healthy glow she felt rejuvenated and refreshed, crediting the GoodSkin team for a new outlook on life.

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    After years of hiding acne scars behind a beard, Justin sought the help of the GoodSkin team. Now the actor-model-creative is able to be clean shaven at work, opening up a new level of self-expression and allowing him to reach his full potential.

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  • TINA

    With a career as a model and actor, and just as much time spent in front of audiences raising awareness as a mental health advocate, Tina relies on a natural, youthful and well-rested appearance. She credits her long term relationship with GoodSkin as a key factor in her success.

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  • VIDA

    A former yoga instructor with a career in front of the camera, appearance is critical to Vida - a natural and healthy appearance that doesn't “erase” her true looks. After realizing The Untouched Look was exactly what she was looking for, she started her journey, discovering not only amazing results but a caring team that was by her side throughout all of it.

    See full case study

Objectives for every client

Prevent/slow down aging Address asymmetries Improve facial harmony and balance

All clients received two of our core treatments

Skin/laser treatments to address old scarring, photodamage, melasma. Skin/laser treatments were chosen per the patients skin type.

Growth factor treatment

Growth factors act as a healing agent to improve skin firmness, tone and elasticity, strengthen the skin barrier and repair and rejuvenate skin. This was especially useful under the eyes where all clients in this project complained of looking tired. Clients received a combination of Renuva, PRP, Stem Cells. Treatment was based on clients individual anatomy and genetics of aging.

No photography has been digitally altered in any way.
We are committed to full transparency and authenticity in everything we do.